Parish Eucharist: Easter Day (09.04)

Parish Eucharist: Easter Day (09.04)

Parish EucharistEaster Day (Sunday 9th April 2023) Service of Eucharist on Easter Day Presider: Revd Richard CarterPreacher: Revd Sally Hitchiner The Choir of St Martin-in-the-FieldsDirected by Jennifer SterlingOrganist: Polina Sterling Order of Service:...
Good Friday Three Hours (07.04)

Good Friday Three Hours (07.04)

Good Friday Three Hours (Friday 7th April 2023) Malcolm Guite is the preacher in this service of reflections on the stations of the cross. With music from the Choir of St Martin-in-the-Fields.   We are working to create a live chat feature for live-streamed services...
Morning Song (07.04)

Morning Song (07.04)

Morning Song (Friday 7th April 2023) Sung Morning Prayer led by Ben Sheridan with music from The Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields directed by Phoebe Tak Man Chow. FollowFollowFollow Donate to St Martins You may also like Parish Eucharist (29.12) Dec 29, 2024...
Maundy Thursday Liturgy (06.04)

Maundy Thursday Liturgy (06.04)

Maundy Thursday Liturgy (Thursday 6th April 2023) The first of the ‘Three Great Days’ is marked with the Eucharist of the Last Supper, including foot washing; the Stripping of the Sanctuary and the Watch with Christ in his Passion.   We are working to create a live...