Great Sacred Music: The Transfiguration

Great Sacred Music: The Transfiguration

Great Sacred Music: The Transfiguration  (Thursday 5th August) Great Sacred MusicThe Transfiguration Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells, with music from St Martin’s Voices, directed by Andrew Earis and Gabriella Noble, accompanied by Polina Sosnina. Music:Quicumque...
Bread for the World (04.08)

Bread for the World (04.08)

Bread for the World (Wednesday 4th August 2021) A service of Bread for the World, an informal Eucharist, with reflection from Brandon Fletcher James.   Order of service: We are working to create a live chat feature for live-streamed...
I am fed

I am fed

I am fed A sermon by Revd Harry Ching (Sunday 1st August 2021) A sermon preached by Revd Harry Ching on Sunday 1 August 2021, Eucharist for The Ninth Sunday after Trinity. Read the text on our website. FollowFollowFollow Donate to St Martins You may also like Morning...
Parish Eucharist (01.08)

Parish Eucharist (01.08)

Eucharist (Sunday 1st August 2021) A service for The Ninth Sunday after Trinity.         We are working to create a live chat feature for live-streamed services on StMartins.Digital. In the meantime, if you would like to participate in live-chat, please visit our...