Great Sacred Music: The Church (08.10)

Great Sacred Music: The Church (08.10)

Great Sacred Music: The Church (Thursday 8th October) Great Sacred Music The Church Thursday 8th October Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells, with St Martin’s Voices, directed by Gabriella Noble and accompanied by Ben Giddens. Music:Tu es Petrus (Duruflé) Hymn to Saint...
Trusting in Faith

Trusting in Faith

In What Do We Trust? Trusting in Faith Monday 5th October 2020 What can we trust in the midst of a global crisis where so much of our way of life that we have taken for granted seems to be at stake? The second of our Autumn Lecture Series 2020: In What Do We Trust?...
Lighten our Darkness (05.10)

Lighten our Darkness (05.10)

Lighthen our Darkness (Monday 5th October 2020) A service of sung Evening Prayer, led by Revd Catherine Duce, with music from our Choral Scholars, directed by Gabriella Noble.  Introit: For the beauty of the earth (Rutter) Anthem: The Canticle of Brother Sun (Grayston...
Contemplative Prayer (03.10)

Contemplative Prayer (03.10)

Contemplative Prayer (3rd October 2020) Nazareth Contemplative Prayer A Journey to North Greenwich, with Revd Richard Carter Saturday 3rd October 2020.    FollowFollowFollow Donate to St Martins You may also like Christmas Day Eucharist (25.12) Dec 25, 2024 |...
Morning Song (02.10)

Morning Song (02.10)

Morning Song (Friday 2nd October 2020) Sung Morning Prayer, led by Revd Richard Carter, with the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields, directed by Andrew Earis. Introit: Oculi omnium (Wood) Anthem: Almighty and everlasting God (Gibbons) Download the order of...