Morning Song (23.10)

Morning Song (23.10)

Morning Song (Friday 23rd October 2020) Sung Morning Prayer, led by Revd Richard Carter, with the Choral Scholars of St Martin-in-the-Fields, directed by Andrew Earis. Introit: Rejoice in the Lord alway (Anon) Anthem: Beati quorum via (Stanford) Download the order of...
Great Sacred Music: Revelation

Great Sacred Music: Revelation

Great Sacred Music: Revelation (Thursday 22nd October) Great Sacred Music Revelation Thursday 22nd October Led by Revd Dr Sam Wells, with music from St Martin’s Voices, directed by Gabriella Noble, accompanied by Ben Giddens. Music:Talk with us, Lord, thyself...
Lighten our Darkness (19.10)
Contemplative Prayer (17.10)

Contemplative Prayer (17.10)

Contemplative Prayer (17th October 2020) Nazareth Contemplative Prayer An autumn walk through Green Park and St James’ Park with Revd Richard Carter Saturday 17th October 2020    FollowFollowFollow Donate to St Martins You may also like Bread for the World...
Lighten our Darkness (19.10)