Difference, Diversity, Deviance

Part 1

Miranda Threlfall-Holmes and Winnie Varghese, talk Difference, Diversity, and Deviance. This was the first in a series of 4 where Miranda Threlfall-Holmes invited a guest to join her in helping us become more mindful and conscious of some of the big ideas about difference which, often subconsciously, underpin and shape our debates and conflicts. Her guest this week was Winnie Varghese, a priest on the Strategic Clergy team at Trinity Church Wall Street, Winnie blogs for Patheos; is author of Church Meets World; editor of What We Shall Become; and author of numerous articles and chapters on social justice and the church.

HeartEdge: An international, ecumenical movement galvanising churches to be at the heart of their communities whilst being with those on the edge. Catalysing communities of hope that reimagine church and society through commerce, culture, compassion and congregational life.

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