Autumn Lecture Series 2022: A New Heaven and a New Earth
(Monday 14th November 2022)
What Am I Living For? A New Heaven and a New Earth. Rowan Williams, one of the greatest spiritual leaders, theologians and teachers of our time, returns to St Martin’s to share his wisdom about the human search for meaning.
Rowan Williams is world-renowned as a theologian and writer and for his wisdom, grace and spiritual insight. He spent much of his earlier career as an academic at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford successively. He was Archbishop of Wales before becoming Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-2012. He was then Master of Magdalene College Cambridge, and Chair of Christian Aid. He has been a fellow of the British Academy since 1990 and has published many books including studies of Arius, Teresa of Avila, Sergei Bulgakov and Fyodor Dostoyevsky, together with writings and lectures on a wide range of theological, historical and political themes. He continues to lecture, write and speak widely and his thinking and example is an inspirational expression of faith for our times.
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