Living God’s Future Now

Dr Walter Brueggemann & Revd Dr Sam Wells

‘Living God’s Future Now’ describes a series of online seminars, discussions and presentations hosted by HeartEdge. They are designed to equip, encourage and energise church leaders, laypeople and enquirers alike, in areas such as preaching, growing a church, shifting online, deepening spirituality in a congregation and responding to social need.

The focal event in ‘Living God’s future now’ is a monthly conversation in which Sam Wells explores what it means to improvise on God’s kingdom with a leading theologian or practitioner.

In this video Sam discusses how to improvise on the kingdom with Walter Brueggemann.

HeartEdge: An international, ecumenical movement galvanising churches to be at the heart of their communities whilst being with those on the edge. Catalysing communities of hope that reimagine church and society through commerce, culture, compassion and congregational life.

For more information visit:

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