Autumn Lecture Series 2023: With God

(Monday 30th October 2023)

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Here I Stand: With God
Sam Wells

Known as one of the most creative theologians writing today, Sam Wells has become most associated with the practice of being with, as distinguished from three other ways of relating – working for, working with and being for. In a dozen books published over the last 12 years he explores the full implications of the notion of being with in relation to mission, ethics, pastoral care and social welfare. More recently he has explored the significance of this notion for the core tenets of Christian theology – God’s purpose in creating, in coming in Jesus, and in bringing the universe’s story to an end. His ideas are challenging and transformative in their implications for conventional understandings of Christian doctrine and put him in tension with the majority of theologians through the centuries.

Part of the Autumn Lecture Series at St Martin-in-the-Fields in partnership with Church Times.

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