Church History Week 5
The Rise of Christendom
This course provides an introduction to and an overview of church history. If we are to see a humbler Church and a bigger God, we need to deal with the history of the Church to understand where we are now, and why.
Ruth Gouldbourne has been a Baptist minister for more than 30 years, ministering in churches in Bedford, London and Cheadle Hulme, as well as being a tutor at Bristol Baptist College. An Associate Fellow of Spurgeon’s College, she is also Senior Research Fellow of IBTSC Amsterdam, and a Research Fellow of Bristol Baptist College.
HeartEdge: An international, ecumenical movement galvanising churches to be at the heart of their communities whilst being with those on the edge. Catalysing communities of hope that reimagine church and society through commerce, culture, compassion and congregational life.
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