The Conversation: Marion Turner
(Tuesday 4th March 2025)
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Setting off from the Tabard Inn
The Conversation is a series of weekly events talking about conflict and empathy, inequality and power, climate crisis and wonder through storytelling and action. The first half of the evening is an interview, which is followed by the host and guest joining the audience around tables to take the conversation further. Everyone is welcome.
Picking up from Zadie Smith’s Autumn Lecture and Hanif Kureishi’s February session on the theme of London stories we hark back to C14th Southwark and the launchpad of Chaucer’s Canterbury-bound pilgrims. What do The Tales tell us about power and prosperity and sex and society? What do they tell us about London?
Marion Turner has the glorious title of JRR Tolkien Professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford. She is the author of Chaucer: A European Life and The Wife of Bath: A Biography and curated the Bodleian exhibition Chaucer Here and Now.
Chaired by Peter Florence.