A new course providing an introduction to and an overview of church history.

A new course providing an introduction to and an overview of church history.
Telling Encounters: Liturgy led by Hannah LewisTelling Encounters: Stories of Disability, Faith,...
Telling Encounters: Welcome Stories of Disability, Faith, Church & GodTelling Encounters:...
Pilgrimage Post PandemicWe look at how Pilgrimage organizers and hosts are building better, safe...
Shut In Shut Out Shut Up 3.3Ableism, Faith & Church with Fiona MacMillanAbleism is...
Presentation by Revd Dr Sam Wells to the ‘Within’ Day.
The Sixteenth Sunday after Trinityfrom Pennington Church 10am Sunday 27th September 2020Sunday the...
The Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 4th October 2020, from Pennington Church.
The Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity: 10am Sunday 11th October 2020 from Pennington Church.
The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 18th October 2020, from Pennington Church.
The Last Sunday after Trinity, Sunday 25th October 2020, from Pennington Church.
All Saints from Pennington Church, Sunday 1st November 2020.
Systemic Racism in America and Britain.
Is this a moment when “we ought to wake up to the ways systemic racism is choking the life out of democracy”?