Shut In Shut Out Shut Up 3.2
Exploring ableism, faith & church across context, culture and practice with Fiona MacMillan, Krysia Waldock and Revd Rachel Noel.
Exploring ableism, faith & church across context, culture and practice with Fiona MacMillan, Krysia Waldock and Revd Rachel Noel.
Developing a theology of healing by exploring the question, 'What is healing?'.
Fergus Butler-Gallie presents a lecture entitled 'God Will Not Be Mocked' - God, Humour and Christianity.
With Ann Memmott and Revd Rachel Noel.
Exploring ableism, faith & church across context, culture and practice with Fiona MacMillan, Krysia Waldock and Revd Rachel Noel.
Developing a theology of healing by exploring the question, 'What is healing?'.
Fergus Butler-Gallie presents a lecture entitled 'God Will Not Be Mocked' - God, Humour and Christianity.
With Ann Memmott and Revd Rachel Noel.
Exploring ableism, faith & church across context, culture and practice with Fiona MacMillan, Krysia Waldock and Revd Rachel Noel.
Developing a theology of healing by exploring the question, 'What is healing?'.
Fergus Butler-Gallie presents a lecture entitled 'God Will Not Be Mocked' - God, Humour and Christianity.
With Ann Memmott and Revd Rachel Noel.